"Keep It Simple"

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Introduction: As we begin a new year of ministry here at MBC, we look back at a year that brought about many challenges. Things I have learned, and no doubt you have learned as well, were difficult lessons, but necessary ones. As has been said among pastors during these days, we never had a class on “pastoring through a pandemic.” But through this, through all the warp-speed adjustments, never knowing what was coming down the pipe-line (and still don’t!), we had and continue to have a chance to look back and observe now. What is really important? And does what we do at MBC fulfill that simple call?
CTS: Keep it simple by proclaiming Jesus and devoting yourself to being an authentic church.

I. Simple Gospel (37-41)

The Holy Spirit was promised (Acts 1:8) / The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples / Peter preaches and informs that that this event is a God-given event, fulfilling the OT prophecy of Joel / Peter preaches that Jesus was killed by the Jews, rejected / Peter preaches that He rose again and is Lord.

A. Conviction (37)

B. Repentance (38)

C. Allegiance [Baptism] (38)

D. For Everyone (39)

This Gospel is meant for all, Jew and Gentile alike. Ephesians 2:19-22 tells us this with clarity.
The Gospel is meant for YOU. Even these Jews who watched and demanded the death of Christ, were cut to the heart, and God graciously saved those that repented. Listen here, the simple gospel is for all people, regardless of what they have done.

E. Requires Decision (40)

But all of this is emphatically done by God himself. Remember that Jesus promised the Holy Spirit (God!) would empower them to be witnesses. Peter doesn’t preach out of his own ingenuity and cleverness. He preaches in the power of the Holy Spirit. God is present in each one of these. Initiated by God, done by God. God is the one who adds people to His kingdom, but He uses the church to bring about this adding, and these souls are added to something, something crucial and necessary in Christianity, in our lives.

II. Simple Church (42-47)

A. Simpy learning (42-43)

Teachings of Jesus
The Scriptures
Fellowship and accountability
Signs confirmed the teaching, but we have an established faith, confirmed by the Scriptures.

B. Simply loving (42, 44-45)

Lord’s Supper had a love feast attached. Bind our hearts in unity.
Praying together fosters great love (spiritual prayers!)
Together, they looked out for one another and provided for any need

C. Simply worshiping (42, 46-47a)

Worshiping formally (temple)
Worshiping in smaller groups
Lord’s Supper is worship, preaching is worship, music is worship
The worship of the church should be gospel-saturated, not feelings driven.
Worship as joy

D. Simply witnessing (47)

The witness of the church was positive as they grew, just as Jesus did.
They were different, and their new way of life was impacting their community
They witnessed faithfully, and God saved souls through their proclamation and witness.
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